500 Random Dialogue Questions

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Question List
What is the nicest thing I have done for someone anonymously? HDIFAT?
At this time, what concerns me the most about our children? HDIFAT?
Is it important for us to have a romantic bedroom? HDIFAT?
After a fight: HDIF when we argue in front of our children?
Besides my normal place of worship, where would I most like to celebrate mass / worship? HDIFAT?
Do I eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck? HDIFAT?
How can we live a simpler and more fulfilling life? HDIFAT?
What guideline for fighting do I find most difficult to practice? HDIFAT?
How do I see you to be superior to me? HDIFAT?
What is my ideal date with you? HDIFAT?
We, as a family, are a little church. HDIFAT?
As a child, what is the worst thing your parents made you do? HDIFAT?
I would like people to think of me as _____. HDIFAT?
What would be the perfect escape weekend? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you fall asleep in the recliner?
Is there anything that is barrier in our communication with each other? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have to take risks?
Have we shared our material blessings with other people? HDIFAT?
HDIF about having an interdependent relationship?
When was the last time I did not listen to you? HDIFAT?
HDIF about giving my two best friends a key to the house?
Do blondes really have more fun? HDIFAT?
Would I be willing to get professional help if our marriage was in trouble? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you bring me a present?
HDIF about growing old with you?
When do I most need my people's support? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we negotiate a compromise between us on a hot issue?
How many hours do I watch TV in a typical day? In a typical week? HDIFAT?
Would I feel better having great opportunity or great experience? HDIFAT?
Do I use my experiences wisely? HDIFAT?
How could we support the marriages of our friends? HDIFAT?
HDIF about our friends that we never get to see?
Do I feel comfortable with our wills?
HDIF about our secret code?
When do I most need your support? HDIFAT?
What was our closest moment as a family this month? HDIFAT?
What is the hardest thing I have done emotionally? HDIFAT?
There will never be another you. HDIFAT?
HDIF about how we decide whether to make love?
Intimacy is a challenge for us. HDIFAT?
HDIF about planting a flower garden?
HDIF about having to make a decision immediately?
HDIF about hiding a negative emotion from you?
HDIF about compromise?
God hears and sees all I do. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I agree to do it your way?
What little things count in our marriage? HDIFAT?
How does our relationship with God affect our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
Am I comfortable with change in my life? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I make sexual advances toward you?
What potentials have you helped me develop? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I go ahead and make love even when I do not want to?
Recently I thought it was wrong, unreasonable or selfish of you to say _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have to take a risk with someone other than you?
HDIF about sharing an uncomfortable feeling I have about our lovemaking?
What do I think about the statement, open to you, open to God? HDIFAT?
How has our Lent prepared us for Holy Week? HDIFAT?
Do I prefer designer clothes or off the rack? HDIFAT?
HDIF about my first name or nickname?
What can I do to help me understand you better? HDIFAT?
God's Son was born for us. HDIFAT?
HDIF when we attend a funeral?
HDIF when you only share superficial things with me?
HDIF when our daily routines do not allow us time for each other?
When misfortune comes, do I laugh it off, wonder why, or make the best of it? HDIFAT?
I am very thankful about _____ but I have difficulty telling you. HDIFAT?
HDIF about your reaction toward sex?
Do I earn my salary? HDIFAT?
HDIF about choosing something new over something familiar?
What are my goals for our children's sexuality? HDIFAT?
How do I behave when my need to be loved is not being met? HDIFAT?
What is our favorite Christmas memory? HDIFAT?
Do I masturbate? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you talk to others about our fights?
The issues I cannot discuss with you are _____. HDIFAT?
How does our individuality strengthen us as a couple? HDIFAT?
How do I handle my jealous emotions / feelings? How could I handle them more constructively? HDIFAT?
Our child has a special talent. HDIFAT?
Am I smarter than most of my friends? HDIFAT?
How can we use prayer to draw us closer together? HDIFAT?
What things do I let defeat me? HDIFAT?
What impact do our children have on our relationship right now? HDIFAT?
What would I like to take back if I could? HDIFAT?
What is the meaning of Christmas to me? HDIFAT?
When do I feel closest to my mother? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the poverty and simplicity of Jesus' birth?
HDIF when I discover there is almost no gas left in the tank?
What do I consider my strengths? HDIFAT?
Am I a leader or a follower? HDIFAT?
What would I like to do before I die? HDIFAT?
HDIF about sleeping in the nude?
Some of the blessings I have to be thankful for are _____. HDIFAT?
Is a daily routine a painful or comfortable way for me to get things done? HDIFAT?
HDIF about praying the scriptures with you?
What frustration did I experience today that I have not shared with you? HDIFAT?
Three people who admire me are _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you leave things up to me?
HDIF when I see you down on yourself?
When do I most need your support? HDIFAT?
Do I think you show enough interest in my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT?
Do we make being married attractive? HDIFAT?
Long ago, I borrowed a book from a friend. HDIFAT?
HDIF about the reactions of our relatives to Encounter / Retrouvaille?
What can I do next week to help people experience more of God's love? HDIFAT?
Are we as parents encouraging Christian values in our home? HDIFAT?
After a fight: Am I still surprised by the way I reacted? HDIFAT?
What is romance? HDIFAT?
What do I think about our sacrament of Matrimony? HDIFAT?
HDIF when other people tell me that they love me?
How do I react to pressure? How does my reaction affect you? HDIFAT?
Do I have difficulty having a good time? HDIFAT?
What part of my body do I judge to be sexually exciting to you? HDIFAT?
Do I judge myself through the eyes of my people? HDIFAT?
How well do I forgive you when you ask for it? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the way you behave in public?
What do I think is my most serious fault? HDIFAT?
Do I listen to our children, not just to their problems, but their day? HDIFAT?
HDIF about getting other people's advice for solving our problems?
HDIF when I am able to sleep in?
What has kept me from being completely honest before now? HDIFAT?
Lately I have felt closest to you when _____. HDIFAT?
Am I willing to work hard to make my relationship with my people a success? HDIFAT?
How can we as a family keep the closeness of the Christmas Season alive? HDIFAT?
HDIF about helping teach someone?
What was our closest moment as a couple this year? HDIFAT?
Do I wear seat belts all the time? HDIFAT?
HDIF about making love at relatives' houses?
Is my faith growing or dying? HDIFAT?
What do I think heaven is like? HDIFAT?
We need medicine and the checkbook is low. HDIFAT?
HDIF about the way we make our money?
I know we are going to make love tonight. HDIFAT?
HDIF hearing God's words, I will never forget you?
HDIF about you when I am filled with romance?
HDIF when I make a decision but someone has a different idea?
HDIF about cutting in line? Waiting my turn?
When and where do I distort things by denial, excuses or pretending? HDIFAT?
In think I may have hurt you this month when _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I try to understand how much you hurt?
What evidence do you have in your life that regular dialogue is important? HDIFAT?
You cannot hold on to another person out of fear of loss. HDIFAT?
What is my plan to help you enjoy life on a daily basis? HDIFAT?
Can I see God in myself? HDIFAT?
Which of life's pleasures do I enjoy the most? HDIFAT?
If we volunteer together, which charity or cause is most important to me? HDIFAT?
What have I done to make you number one today? HDIFAT?
Do we talk about our lovemaking enough? HDIFAT?
What goals have I set for myself this year? HDIFAT?
What values do I hold that I would like the world to see? HDIFAT?
What comfort do I still remember from someone who has passed away? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the time I spend with my family?
HDIF about inviting a priest or minister to our home?
Do we keep a scrapbook of our marital memories? Why or why not? HDIFAT?
HDIF about how much money we give to our church or favorite charity?
The thing I most fear losing is _____. HDIFAT?
Do I thank God for you every day? HDIFAT?
HDIF about my attitudes about sex?
What issue do we have facing us that I have not shared my emotions / feelings with you about? HDIFAT?
HDIF tracing your face with my fingertips?
In what areas of our relationship do we most need to grow? HDIFAT?
Do we want the same things in life? HDIFAT?
How has our dialogue enhanced our lovemaking? HDIFAT?
HDIF being around people who are wrapped up in their careers?
Can I always find reasons to laugh? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see you working too many hours?
What do I most like about Encounter / Retrouvaille? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you are not able to handle the pressures in your life?
When was the last time I laughed until I cried? HDIFAT?
HDIF hearing Jesus say these words to me The gift you have received, give as a gift?
What unique qualities do I bring to my workplace? HDIFAT?
My life is a prayer. HDIFAT?
What do I do that keeps me from being closer to God? HDIFAT?
What did I first long for immediately after I was ordained? HDIFAT?
Am I too predictable? HDIFAT?
HDIF knowing we are part of a community that supports couples' growth?
HDIF recalling the baptism of our children?
HDIF when you sleep late?
Does our lovemaking extend beyond the bedroom? HDIFAT?
In what way(s) do I need to alter my attitude to alter my life? HDIFAT?
I cannot compromise on _____. Can I have this and still have us? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the steady, routine parts of my day?
When have I felt most wanted? HDIFAT?
HDIF about treating other people like Christ?
HDIF telling you something I know you are not going to like?
HDIF about doing something I have never done before?
What precedents have we set with family members? HDIFAT?
What is special about us as a couple today? HDIFAT?
HDIF re-reading what you wrote as we experienced the weekend and follow-up?
HDIF when you demand I change before you will forgive me?
The areas where I have seen the most growth in you are _____. HDIFAT?
After a fight: What was the worst fight we ever had? HDIFAT?
My top priorities in life should be _____. HDIFAT?
Is Jesus in control of our future? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am trying to describe an emotion / feeling of mine to you?
HDIF when you insult or belittle one of my ideas?
HDIF about telling you what I like or do not like?
We cannot return to innocence. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am too excited to sleep?
Are we best friends? HDIFAT?
Do I have an attitude of superiority? HDIFAT?
Do I consider myself successful? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I think about our financial position?
What happens to me when we are not accepting of each other? HDIFAT?
Do I distort things to make myself look or feel better? HDIFAT?
Are my problems too complicated or unusual for most people to understand? HDIFAT?
Of the memories I formed while experiencing the weekend, which is most pleasant and why? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I react to you instead of responding to you?
How would I feel discovering that you are hurting right now? HDIFAT?
When I start feeling lonely, I _____. HDIFAT?
What do I see as my people's uniqueness? HDIFAT?
What have I given away? HDIFAT?
HDIF about your relationship with our children?
Do I give credit where credit is due? HDIFAT?
Are we still striving for a deeper loving marriage, or have we stopped because we judge we have done enough? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see an Encounter / Retrouvaille sticker on another car?
What memories of Easter do I cherish most? HDIFAT?
Are we romantic enough? HDIFAT?
What did I want you to hear but you did not? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I try something different in my prayer life?
HDIF when you win an argument?
How can we incorporate prayer into our daily life? HDIFAT?
What hinders me from talking about money with you? HDIFAT?
What do I want God to help us with? HDIFAT?
How do I behave when I am experiencing disillusionment about us? HDIFAT?
I tell a joke and no one laughs. HDIFAT?
What are my expectations for our journey into this New Year? HDIFAT?
What values of the church do I want to pass on to our children? HDIFAT?
What are my concerns about the future? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have to make a difficult phone call?
Do our children spend enough time doing their homework? HDIFAT?
In group tasks, do I feel better when cooperation is high or when efficiency is high? HDIFAT?
Am I a full-time listener or only a part-time listener? HDIFAT?
What am I doing to make the world a better place for those who come after me? HDIFAT?
What do I think about our spirituality (being lovers)? HDIFAT?
Have I ever witnessed a baby being born? HDIFAT?
HDIF when the telephone interrupts something important?
What is the greatest joy in our marriage right now? HDIFAT?
HDIF knowing Jesus is our protector?
HDIF when we leave our children for a few days?
Our courtship can continue in some form for all our married lives. HDIFAT?
What family values do we have in common with the Jewish people? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you encourage me?
We could improve the way we make decisions by _____. HDIFAT?
Do I consider myself as an idealist or a realist? HDIFAT?
HDIF when my people show interest in what I do?
Do I use alcohol or drugs to relax or alleviate pressure? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I flash you a smile?
Can I snow ski? Water ski? HDIFAT?
How do I behave when I am hurting? HDIFAT?
Do I have a plan for what to do with my time after I retire? HDIFAT?
HDIF about rearranging the furniture?
What talent or quality do I wish I had that I do not? HDIFAT?
Are my priorities so materialistic that they interfere with us? HDIFAT?
HDIF about having a shared journal of thoughts and feelings?
HDIF when I see an abortion rally?
HDIF when you give me a sincere compliment?
HDIF when you make one of my priorities one of yours?
What will I absolutely not compromise? HDIFAT?
Do we handle conflict well? HDIFAT?
How do I react to practical jokes? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I say exactly what is on my mind?
HDIF about receiving Christmas cards?
HDIF about our vacation plans this year?
Have I been critical or accepting of you this week? HDIFAT?
HDIF about giving money to people who solicit on the street?
Do I encourage others to see the beauty of God's creation? HDIFAT?
HDIF about starting a dialogue support group?
When did I first realize I loved you? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you do not reveal your emotions / feelings?
In what area of my life am I living as a married single? HDIFAT?
Is marriage a covenant or a contract? HDIFAT?
What about you turns me on the most? HDIFAT?
How does my self-image keep me from being open to you? HDIFAT?
Do I try to change God instead of accepting Him the way He is? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the variety of our lovemaking?
What stake do we have in the marriages of other people? HDIFAT?
Do I use caffeine to boost my energy level? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I accomplish something I am proud of?
How does _____ help us to experience God's love for us? HDIFAT?
What talent or quality of yours have I discovered in our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we sing the Gloria?
What did I do to lift another person this week? HDIFAT?
Sometimes I worry about _____. HDIFAT?
Listening is most difficult for me when _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I admit that I am wrong?
What sexual baggage am I dealing with? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you give me a compliment?
How has our non-verbal communication helped our relationship? HDIFAT?
What foods do I like the best? HDIFAT?
Can I begin to love myself enough to forgive my past mistakes? HDIFAT?
What do I see in you that makes me love you? HDIFAT?
Do I really want a close relationship with you? HDIFAT?
Are my sexual needs being met? HDIFAT?
How is our day when we are not sexually involved with each other? HDIFAT?
HDIF when your needs seem to be in conflict with mine?
HDIF when your eyes sparkle?
HDIF when I send you a Valentine's card?
Is our relationship ready for the Lord? HDIFAT?
How did the absence of dialogue affect our communication and closeness? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am running errands?
HDIF about yard work?
After a fight: What do I dislike most about myself when I fight with you? HDIFAT?
What special joy or pleasure do you bring into my life? HDIFAT?
Am I smarter than most of your friends? HDIFAT?
HDIF when your family makes demands on us?
What is my attitude toward my work? HDIFAT?
How is today's society influencing our family? HDIFAT?
If I was about to die and could only tell my people one sentence, what would it be? HDIFAT?
What thoughts help me to get moving in the morning? HDIFAT?
Am I aware of my sinfulness? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I help you carry in the groceries?
HDIF when you flirt with other men or women?
Do I ever apologize to you after I have been impatient? HDIFAT?
Do we have real love or just romantic love? HDIFAT?
HDIF about listening to other people tell jokes?
Our neighbor lives alone. HDIFAT?
How can I be more tender? HDIFAT?
What satisfaction do I take in little successes? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I cannot go to a function our child wants me to attend?
HDIF (God forbid) about living the rest of my life without you?
How can I tell that you have had a bad day? HDIFAT?
Describe a time when I felt negative. HDIFAT?
When I am angry, what is the best thing someone can do for me? HDIFAT?
What talent or quality do I most admire in you? HDIFAT?
HDIF when someone (not you) laughs at my mistakes?
If I were to lose you, what about you would I miss the most? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see an old boyfriend / girlfriend?
Do I believe we should share household tasks? HDIFAT?
What might be fun for us in the future? HDIFAT?
Why do I keep information from you? What am I afraid of? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we pray together, just the two of us?
HDIF about being criticized in public?
How have I brought God's forgiveness to our family? HDIFAT?
Who is or was my hero? HDIFAT?
What do I think God wants for us? HDIFAT?
Why did I choose you to be my lifetime partner? HDIFAT?
Is religion something we do or something we live? HDIFAT?
God does not make junk. HDIFAT?
How do I respond to disappointment? HDIFAT?
Do I love my people beyond the confines of my church / parish / synagogue? HDIFAT?
What keeps us from dialogue? HDIFAT?
What are my hopes for us in the area of sex? HDIFAT?
What quality do I look for in others that helps me believe I can trust them? HDIFAT?
HDIF at the kiss of peace?
When have I felt alone this fall? HDIFAT?
Am I more concerned with my outer or inner appearance? HDIFAT?
HDIF being around people who demand and expect perfection?
Are we willing to share our story when it is a story of brokenness? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see a tiny baby?
In what ways does TV affect our family life? HDIFAT?
HDIF about being called to change in our relationship?
Can I read maps? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I hear about the sins of priests or ministers in the news?
What is the meaning of my birthday to me? HDIFAT?
What have I learned about myself in the past week? HDIFAT?
What is the happiest thing that ever happened to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the roles I play in our marriage?
What is my greatest fear about my death? HDIFAT?
What example do I imitate that is a not so good an example? HDIFAT?
HDIF when people do not observe the speed limit?
Does my true self come out under stress? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you say, I do knot know why I put up with you?
HDIF about Christ dying for me?
Am I comfortable talking about intimacy with you? HDIFAT?
Do I kiss with my eyes open or closed? HDIFAT?
How do I respond to repeated failure? HDIFAT?
Lately, have I accepted people's emotions / feelings, merely tolerated them, or rejected them? HDIFAT?
HDIF watching our children participate in sports?
In what areas do I find I lack confidence in dialogue? HDIFAT?
Where am I most selfish? HDIFAT?
What have I dreamed of doing for a long time? HDIFAT?
What defense mechanisms do I use when I fail to please you? HDIFAT?
What do I wish I had known five years ago about sex? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you apologize for me?
Do I pray in front of our children? HDIFAT?
In what areas is it most difficult for me to let you know how I feel? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you interrupt me in conversation?
HDIF when you do not share your plans with me?
HDIF about the sacrifices of family members who have served their country?
Do we let our light shine? HDIFAT?
What are my dreams for our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you put the children ahead of us?
Which one of us worries more about money? HDIFAT?
What have I done to make you happy this week? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you do not like the dialog question I have selected?
HDIF about the boss?
How do I react to compliments? HDIF?
When do I nail down the lid on my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I know we are going to have sex?
HDIF about working on a family budget?
How would I feel working under someone who is always kind but not so fair? HDIFAT?
What have we done this week to help do God's work? HDIFAT?
What curse word do I use most often? HDIFAT?
What new awarenesses have I discovered in you this past week? HDIFAT?
How do I behave when my need for self-worth is not met? HDIFAT?
When we make love, I feel _____.
I think our greatest weakness as a couple is _____. HDIFAT?
What would I like to do for God with the time He has given me? HDIFAT?
Do I really believe that our love is God's love? HDIFAT?
Our cash flow is low. HDIFAT?
I hate people who _____. HDIFAT?
Do I have deep friendships with a few, or broad friendships with many? HDIFAT?
HDIF at those times when I come on a little too strong with people?
HDIF when I put my arm around you?
HDIF being with people who keep their enthusiasm under control?
HDIF about spending time with my family?
What is today's gospel reading saying to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I take time to read to our children?
HDIF when I am angry with you?
Do I say what others wish they had the nerve to say? HDIFAT?
HDIF giving advice to _____?
How can I delight in your goodness without trying to possess you? HDIFAT?
In all the world, one of the things I care most about is _____. HDIFAT?
If our house were burning down, what possessions would I most hope were spared and why? HDIFAT?
HDIF realizing that you have given me the gift of being a father / mother?
HDIF about attending mass or church together every week?
What changes would I resist in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about revealing the Father to you?
HDIF about sharing my dreams with you?
HDIF about my inhibitions about sex?
HDIF when you criticize me?
Am I inadequate sexually? HDIFAT?
Can I identify with hurting couples? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am about to reveal something to you?
Do I present myself as tougher than I really am? HDIFAT?
What one thing do my people do that helps bring me closest to them? HDIFAT?
How does our schedule affect our relationship? HDIFAT?
My prayers are answered in God's time, not my time. HDIFAT?
Do I try to change you instead of accepting you the way you are? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I think you are hurting me intentionally?
HDIF when other people cannot resist giving me advice?
After a fight: Did I use exaggerations or absolutes? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the size of the family I was born into?
What, specifically, do I need to do this weekend for the sake of our relationship? HDIFAT?
How do we see the priest / pastor in our lives? HDIFAT?
HDIF when asked to keep a secret?
When recently have I put your needs ahead of mine? HDIFAT?
Do we ever let material things interfere with our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about giving back rubs?
HDIF when you wink at me?
Do I see my sexual values changing? HDIFAT?
What could I do to help you understand me better? HDIFAT?
Are we in romance or disillusionment or joy now? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you lose interest in your job, career or housework?
Do I live what I preach? HDIFAT?
Am I better at giving without remembering, or taking without forgetting? HDIFAT?
Apart from God, we can do nothing. HDIFAT?
When I am sad, what is the best thing someone can do for me? HDIFAT?
What was the silliest thing I ever did with you? HDIFAT?
HDIF when someone I do not like loves me?
Whoever loves is a child of God. HDIFAT?
HDIF about school being out?
HDIF about the idea of having to spend Christmas without you?
HDIF when you look at other women / men with obvious interest?
Would I trust God as I have trusted you today? HDIFAT?
What emotion / feeling did I have today that I want to share with you? HDIFAT?
HDIF about my role as a mother / father?
HDIF hearing Jesus say, Love each other as I have loved you?
HDIF about healing?
HDIF about our children needing Encounter / Retrouvaille someday?
Would our children stand up for their faith if they were in a difficult or threatening situation? HDIFAT?
HDIF on those occasions when you discipline our children?
What is our couple image? HDIFAT?
Describe a time when I felt left out. HDIFAT?
What keeps me from showing you what you really mean to me? HDIFAT?
Which of our possessions enhance our relationship? HDIFAT?
God trusts me to reveal the unique facet of Him that I possess. HDIFAT?
What do I hope for in my heart for us? HDIFAT?
Do I laugh frequently or rarely? HDIFAT?
HDIF about increased sexual intimacy?
HDIF about retirement?
When the going gets rough, I feel better if I _____. HDIFAT?
It is morning and I just got up. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I run out of time and there is much left to do?
What strengths do I have that I am afraid to rely on? HDIFAT?
Am I a risk taker or conservative with my investments? HDIFAT?
HDIF when God allows you to suffer?
Do I avoid telling others the truth to avoid offending them? HDIFAT?
What regrets do I have about someone who has died? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have to ask you for money?
Is the atmosphere in our home life-giving? HDIFAT?
How do I deal with conceit when I succeed at something? HDIFAT?
God gave you to me. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you compliment me?
How do I see myself as a member of Christ's body? HDIFAT?
Do I have unmet needs that lead me to be a married single? HDIFAT?
In what areas or ways do I compete against you? HDIFAT?
HDIF about flying?
What am I working at believing about myself now? What makes it hard? HDIFAT?
Do I need to be easier on the children? HDIFAT?
When in the past week did I think your emotions / feelings were wrong to have? HDIFAT?
HDIF being around people who try to impress me?
When I get pressure from you, do I tend to become more withdrawn or more aggressive? HDIFAT?
If I was about to die and could only tell you one sentence, what would it be? HDIFAT?
What quote do I want on my tombstone? HDIFAT?
I find it difficult to listen to my people when _____. HDIFAT?
What can I do to help my people be happy? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you say, We'll dialogue after the next TV program?
HDIF when things are not done right?
HDIF when I see a reflection of you in our children?