Randomly generated question list. Refresh the page for different questions.
Question List |
Where in my job do I experience stress? HDIFAT? |
Do I consider myself successful? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way we use our financial resources? |
HDIF when we first met? |
When you criticize me, my reaction is to _____. HDIFAT? |
Here are two ways we are different: _____ and _____. HDIFAT? |
I am worth more than I am paid. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I let my heart rule my head? When I let my head rule my heart? |
HDIF about gathering other people for prayer? |
How do I behave when I am not satisfied with the food or service at a restaurant? HDIFAT? |
Is it important to me that money not be important to me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am shopping with you? |
What do I think is needed for another child in our lives? HDIFAT? |
Does my laughter communicate any emotions / feelings? Describe them. |
I need to know the answers to the following questions: _____. HDIFAT? |
Can we find time for some family prayer? HDIFAT? |
In what specific way have I brightened your day today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when spring is approaching? |
Describe a time when I felt confident. HDIFAT? |
In what area of my life do I have the least peace? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I hear my favorite hymn? |
HDIF about our church's teaching on Natural Family Planning? |
What is my ideal date with you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when a couple says no, they do not want or need to experience the weekend? |
Am I choosing the direction of my life, or is my life directing me? HDIFAT? |
What prejudices do I hold? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about disciplining our children in a public place? |
HDIF the last time we finished a household project? |
HDIF when I want to be with you and cannot? |
What do I think about our spirituality (being lovers)? HDIFAT? |
Do I help you up when you fall? HDIFAT? |
In what areas of our life together am I most dependent on you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the death of one of our children? |
When I think about dying today, HDIF about our past week together? |
HDIF when you say, I am sorry? |
HDIF when you care about the things I like? |
What was my biggest challenge in loving you today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about beginning a family? |
Are we involved with other couples who share our marriage values? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about going to bed earlier or waking earlier so we have time for us? |
The best vacation we ever had was _____. HDIFAT? |
Do we limit our fights to a single issue? HDIFAT? |
How would I feel if I could go horseback riding? HDIFAT? |
What blessings can I count today? HDIFAT? |
What is the most pain I have ever experienced? HDIFAT? |
What is the most impulsive thing I ever did? HDIFAT? |
If I could have any vacation I wanted, I would _____. HDIFAT? |
What do I consider my strengths? HDIFAT? |
Do I allow my sexual values to interfere with my response to you? HDIFAT? |
I believe you are being selfish when _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I judge myself unlovable? |
Do I have friends of the opposite sex? HDIFAT? |
When did God last surprise me? HDIFAT? |
As an adult, am I closer to my mother or father? HDIFAT? |
Which of us comes to decisions more quickly? HDIFAT? |
Do I deny my mistakes, or do I learn from them? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about your travel schedule? |
HDIF about when I balance the checkbook? |
What have I done recently to bring joy or comfort to others? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our growth (or lack of growth) in the area of sex? |
Are you trying too hard to change me? HDIFAT? |
Can I identify with hurting couples? HDIFAT? |
Have I turned our children over to God's care? HDIFAT? |
What couple has been the clearest sign of Sacrament for me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when the bills are due, but we cannot afford to pay them? |
Do people tell you that you have an accent? HDIFAT? |
How would I feel if I gave a compliment to three people each day? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I have to do housework? |
How would I react if someone said I was consistently reasonable? HDIFAT? |
What stands in the way of my making a genuine commitment to you? HDIFAT? |
What will we be doing when we are 80? HDIFAT? |
Jesus said, If you believe in me, you will never die. HDIFAT? |
If I knew we had no tomorrow, how would I live today with you? HDIFAT? |
Am I a leader or a follower? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being an American? |
Do I talk openly to God, or do I hold things back? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about a daily phone call just to say hello? |
How would I feel working a few hours a month in a soup kitchen? HDIFAT? |
What type of TV shows do I choose to watch? HDIFAT? |
Marriage is our last best chance to grow up. HDIFAT? |
HDIF whenever relatives visit? |
What is the most peaceful scene I can recall? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we meet a couple who, like us, has experienced the weekend and follow-up? |
HDIF when I discuss politics with someone whose views are opposite of mine? |
What would I like to be appreciated for? HDIFAT? |
Am I a different person over the phone? HDIFAT? |
What am I prepared to forgive? HDIFAT? |
Sometimes life is not fair. HDIFAT? |
What expectations do I have for Valentine's Day? HDIFAT? |
What are my sexual desires? HDIFAT? |
In what area do I need to risk sharing more with my people? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I take a walk with you? |
HDIF about my appearance? |
What is the best help you can give me when I am discouraged? HDIFAT? |
Do we share the responsibility for making decisions? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we play a sport together? |
HDIF when you become violently angry with me? |
HDIF about us participating in competitive sports? When we win? When we lose? |
What was the saddest day of my life? HDIFAT? |
Do I have enough close friends? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I think of Our Father as always belonging to us? |
When your actions embarrass me, I feel _____. HDIFAT? |
What challenges did I face today in making you the center of my life? HDIFAT? |
What does the way I spend my time tell me about my values? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I think you are taking a superior attitude into our dialogues? |
HDIF about learning a new language at my age? |
HDIF when I say no to your request for lovemaking? |
What do I think are your priorities? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when our children compliment me? |
How well do I communicate with my people? HDIFAT? |
What activities weaken our relationship with God and Church? HDIFAT? |
Do I have to fish for compliments? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about giving presents to those I love? |
HDIF when you do not say anything about something I have done? |
HDIF about the way our marriage influences other people? |
How do I like to pray? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way our lovemaking affects my self-image? |
What did I enjoy most about our vacation? HDIFAT? |
HDIF inviting couples like us into Encounter / Retrouvaille? |
How does our relationship give witness to the Lord? HDIFAT? |
The song that I think represents our love the best is _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when someone asks us, How is your dialogue? |
What values, goals, or ideals will I absolutely not compromise? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you are not in the mood, but I am? |
Do I see myself owing my employer, or my employer owing me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way we balance the checkbook? |
HDIF about visiting an arts and craft fair with you? |
HDIF about getting up in the morning? |
HDIF when we decide to dialogue on sex? |
Our children are the two of us in one flesh. HDIFAT? |
Do I give to you without restriction? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about where we are this year compared to last year at this time? |
What have we done this week to help do God's work? HDIFAT? |
Do I believe romance is a sign of weakness? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we are not dialoguing? |
For our growth, we need God to be part of our marriage. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our children leaving home and going out into the world to make their own choices? |
If I could start over again, what would I change? HDIFAT? |
Am I a stickler for grammatical rules in writing? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the fine print in legal documents? |
When have I not listened to you lately? HDIFAT? |
Do I enjoy ethnic festivals, or do I feel threatened by them? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our sexual relationship? |
HDIF when I make a mistake? |
HDIF when another couple asks, How is your dialogue? |
After a fight: What do I think you are going through right now? HDIFAT? |
What percentage of my time do I spend thinking about you? HDIFAT? |
What limits do I have because of the mask (personality style) I wear? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we are too tired to be lovers? |
Is our diet life-giving? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about increased sexual intimacy? |
Can I perform the Heimlich maneuver? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when the alarm goes off in the morning? |
HDIF when I share my popcorn with you? |
Am I more creative alone or with other people? HDIFAT? |
If we ever stopped dialoguing for a while, why did we? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about God's plan for our friendships? |
HDIF this week living in the modern world? |
HDIF when other people do not return things that they borrow from me? |
HDIF about planning a weekly family outing? |
HDIF when I want to be honest but am afraid of hurting you? |
What about you am I grateful for today? HDIFAT? |
What are my priorities? HDIFAT? |
Whom have I failed to love today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way our family spends money? |
HDIF when I fix you a drink? |
If I could change my name, what would I change it to? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the importance of making decisions as a couple? |
Where do I see us 5 (10, 15, 20) years from now? HDIFAT? |
I have a busy schedule. HDIFAT? |
HDIF knowing the Lord pursues me when I am astray? |
What would our children say about our marriage? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: What is the most positive thing that comes out of it? HDIFAT? |
How did experiencing the weekend begin to meet my need to love and be loved? HDIFAT? |
Do I sit beside you when I have the chance? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about both of us working outside the home? |
HDIF about how we live out our faith? |
HDIF telling you something I know you do not want to hear? |
When I am depressed, what is the best thing someone can do for me? HDIFAT? |
How can I show you more love? HDIFAT? |
What is a goal I have involving us together? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you avoid a conflict between us? |
What activity helps me grow most as a Christian? HDIFAT? |
A family reunion is planned. HDIFAT? |
Jesus suffered and died for us. What can I do for Him? HDIFAT? |
What makes me feel holy? HDIFAT? |
Why do I stay married to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I know you have had a bad day? |
What fun thing can we do today? HDIFAT? |
We are a sign - what do people see when they see our love? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we go to mass or church together? |
HDIF when one of us is the subject of an ethnic joke? |
HDIF being with people whose emotional ups and downs are very marked? |
How important are material things to me? HDIFAT? |
How do I deal with my physical temptations? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way our children are reacting to our values? |
When was the last time we called our special friends just to tell them we love them? HDIFAT? |
What is my biggest pet peeve? HDIFAT? |
What is it that most separates us? HDIFAT? |
What aspect of dialogue is hardest for me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you bring up past hurts? |
When I consider the increasing rate of inflation, I feel _____. |
What keeps me from trusting you completely? HDIFAT? |
Has this been a good year or not? HDIFAT? |
HDIF being sprinkled with holy water? |
What is my favorite room of the house and why? HDIFAT? |
What have I done to help our little church? HDIFAT? |
When do I repress my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about violence, weapons and the martial arts? |
HDIF about building relationships with other dialoguing couples? |
When someone hurts me, do I seek revenge or forgiveness? HDIFAT? |
A sibling is sick. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you seem to appreciate me? |
Does TV have a negative or positive effect on my life? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you say yes to lovemaking? |
Do I remember to praise those who have done a good job? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about Scripture dialogue? |
My image of God is _____. HDIFAT? |
Is our sexual relationship a source of intimacy or a source of distance? HDIFAT? |
With myself, am I more likely to be strict or permissive? HDIFAT? |
What do I need to thank you for that I have not? HDIFAT? |
Where with our children do I experience stress? HDIFAT? |
Which of us usually makes the decisions? HDIFAT? |
In what important areas do I find it most difficult to listen to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF in my role as a mother? |
Do I believe in the power of prayer? HDIFAT? |
Do we have a prayer life as a family? HDIFAT? |
When do I feel pressured by you? HDIFAT? |
Do I try to control you sometimes? HDIFAT? |
What words would I take back if I could? HDIFAT? |
HDIF waving palms on Palm Sunday? |
HDIF about being affectionate in front of the kids? |
How do I see our weaknesses as a couple? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we do crazy things together? |
HDIF about looking the person in the eye when I say, I am sorry? |
This week, how have I been judgmental of others? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you touch me? |
What is my greatest fear about our children's future? HDIFAT? |
What was my loneliest time this past week? HDIFAT? |
Describe the ideal picnic. HDIFAT? |
Describe a time when I felt bored. HDIFAT? |
Who among my friends will walk with me in both good times and hard times? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being a newlywed? Or HDIF remembering our first few years of marriage? |
Our missionary role is always to invite other people on our journey. HDIFAT? |
Husbands, love your wives as your own bodies. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about how well I show my love for you? |
HDIF about the way our marriage influences those around us? |
I would really feel special if _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you do not stand up for me? |
HDIF being committed to dialoguing regularly as a way of life? |
HDIF when you criticize me in front of other people? |
I am supposed to help you recognize your good qualities. HDIFAT? |
What romantic things do I remember most from our dating or early marriage? HDIFAT? |
What difficulties are we most likely to experience when trying to make a hard decision? HDIFAT? |
Our love is a prayer. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I engage in self-pity? |
What are my dreams for our sexual relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about having relatives over for the holidays? |
I really wish I had started _____ earlier in life. HDIFAT? |
After a fight: When did I refuse to listen or ignore what was said? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I only half-forgive you? |
How well do I use the talents given to me by God? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: When you bring third parties into a fight, HDIFAT? |
Do I experience God's love through the people He has placed in my life? HDIFAT? |
What are my hopes for our future together? HDIFAT? |
What are my fears about discussing sex with you? HDIFAT? |
How well do I really listen to you? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: What issues still persist? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you believe the rumors instead of me? |
The greatest gift a mother can give to her children is _____. HDIFAT? |
Do I use my hands to show I am listening to you? HDIFAT? |
What obstacles do I need to overcome in order to love God better? HDIFAT? |
What would I spend my last dollar on? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about relaxing with you near a lake, river or seashore? |
What are the outward signs of change for us as a result of dialogue? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when people change the rules? |
HDIF when I discover the assumptions I made about you are not true? |
Do I get along with your parents? HDIFAT? |
My strengths are _____. HDIFAT? |
What barrier do I have the hardest time overcoming in order to love you? HDIFAT? |
Do I take credit for other's work? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about retirement? |
What do you criticize about me? HDIFAT? |
When I am pressured by my people, how am I most likely to respond? HDIFAT? |
Am I trying too hard to change you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about chores in our home? |
HDIF about continuing to use dialogue as a tool? |
Which is easier for me, abstinence or moderation? HDIFAT? |
How long before missing dialogue affects our communication and closeness? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I share a new recipe with you? |
Do not worry about your life and what you are to eat or wear. HDIFAT? |
How well do I communicate with you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about learning to play a new sport? |
Describe a time when I felt surprised. HDIFAT? |
Do I ever feel God present in our sacrament? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about tithing the first part of my wages to the Lord? |
HDIF knowing we are not promised a tomorrow? |
Recently I succeeded at _____. HDIFAT? |
How can we bring new life to someone else, as a couple? HDIFAT? |
What does being a parent mean to me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when my plans run off the track? |
HDIF when I am delayed because other people are not punctual? |
What are our biggest differences? HDIFAT? |
How well have I used the ingredients that God gave me today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our child's current boyfriend / girlfriend / best friend? |
HDIF when I see pressure getting to you? |
Am I submissive to God's will? HDIFAT? |
Have I done my best to make a difference? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you undress in front of me? |
How has our dialogue enhanced our lovemaking? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about living with a budget? |
What would be the perfect escape weekend? HDIFAT? |
When do I feel closest to all of you and HDIFAT? |
What is the most scared I have ever been? HDIFAT? |
HDIF being around people who always have both feet on the ground? |
HDIF about the sacrifices of family members who have served their country? |
What is the most exciting thing that ever happened to me? HDIFAT? |
Did I letter in a sport in high school or college? HDIFAT? |
How can we inspire other people to dialogue? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I go and help a friend of yours? |
HDIF about missing work? |
What can we do to economize this Christmas? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am talking to you and you do not seem to be listening? |
Do I allow Jesus to be in control of my life? HDIFAT? |
Am I too predictable? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about my mother? |
The main reason I am afraid to commit to you is _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you say, I can do whatever I like? |
Am I better at giving without remembering, or taking without forgetting? HDIFAT? |
What is my favorite thing for us to do as a couple? HDIFAT? |
What mask (personality style) do I find most difficult to remove in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
Have we drawn closer, or drawn apart this week? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: What caused my / your / our voices to be raised? HDIFAT? |
How are you like your mother? HDIFAT? |
Does your family have a reunion? HDIFAT? |
What obstacles do I personally have to a good spiritual Advent this year? HDIFAT? |
I am lucky to be married to you. HDIFAT? |
How do I react to pressure? How does my reaction affect you? HDIFAT? |
If possible, I would like to reclaim these things I gave up for you: _____. HDIFAT? |
Would people say I am thick-skinned? HDIFAT? |
Can I sing a song all the way through? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: Do I sometimes provoke fights even if I do not start them? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am fighting for what is right? |
How well do we share our wants with each other? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about today's meals? |
In what ways am I willing to purify myself to become Holy? HDIFAT? |
What keeps us together as a couple? HDIFAT? |
I admire people who _____. HDIFAT? |
What is my listening pattern when you tell me that I am gentle? HDIFAT? |
Do I have a favorite New Years Day tradition? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I realize that I am responsible for my own emotions / feelings, not you? |
HDIF about donations to charity? |
In what areas do I feel vulnerable to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about watching football on TV? |
How have I encouraged or affirmed you today? HDIFAT? |
When did I make the decision to love you lately? HDIFAT? |
How does my work affect my relationship with my people? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am not able to handle the pressures in my life? |
HDIF about our marriage as a sign of love to others? |
Am I superstitious? HDIFAT? |
What do I think you find difficult to tell me? HDIFAT? |
Am I more likely to be a failure at what I love, or a success at something I hate? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way I am learning to accept you as you are? |
How long have we known each other? HDIFAT? |
What quality in you helped me trust in our young marriage? HDIFAT? |
What sacrifices am I willing to make for our daily Dialogue? HDIFAT? |
Do others find me a little odd? HDIFAT? |
What do I hope for in my heart for us? HDIFAT? |
Something bothering me about our relationship is _____. HDIFAT? |
I am probably best known for my _____. HDIFAT? |
What do I see in your life as life-draining? HDIFAT? |
Do I consider myself attractive? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about Christ being born in our relationship? |
How can I put more romance in our marriage? HDIFAT? |
What power do I hold over you that may be a barrier to our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I care about the same things you are happy about? |
HDIF about sacrificing financially to attend an event for married couples? |
Am I responsible for our current financial situation? HDIFAT? |
HDIF during the candlelight reading or singing of the Exultet on the Easter vigil? |
What qualities attracted me to you when we were dating? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you react instead of respond to me? |
HDIF when you are coming home to me after a long trip? |
Which one of us worries more about money? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I have difficulty remembering someone's name? |
What do you do that makes me laugh? HDIFAT? |
What talent of mine should I be using more, and how? HDIFAT? |
When was the last time I complimented my people? HDIFAT? |
What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you brag on me to your parents? |
What are a few things I like to do with our family? HDIFAT? |
How have other couples affected our marriage? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when doctors try to take control of my life? |
When was the last time we went to a marriage enrichment experience? HDIFAT? |
Do I see each day as a day older, or as a new beginning? HDIFAT? |
Do I build a wall between myself and others because I am afraid of being hurt? HDIFAT? |
In what ways do I daily affirm my love for you? HDIFAT? |
How do I think people perceive me? HDIFAT? |
What do I most need from you today? HDIFAT? |
Do I give you the gift of space? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I reveal my emotions / feelings, and you respond as expected? |
When do I get the most out of talking about us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our level of indebtedness? |
HDIF about observing Lent? |
HDIF about the size of our family? |
I most want to be sexually involved with you when _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about your co-workers? |
Do I accept compliments easily? HDIFAT? |
What is my greatest talent in listening to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about having a costume party? |
When was the last time we looked at our wedding album together? HDIFAT? |
How would I feel if one of our children would want to become a minister? HDIFAT? |
Are you closer to God than I am? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when someone I do not know well offers me advice? |
HDIF when I laugh with you? |
Are we constantly making up in the same areas? HDIFAT? |
How was your love life-giving to me today? HDIFAT? |
What can I do to make myself more available to my people? HDIFAT? |
What need of mine am I most aware of as needing to be nourished? HDIFAT? |
How do I recognize Christ in you? HDIFAT? |
Do I ever feel used by my people? What is this emotion / feeling like? |
What is the biggest frustration in our marriage right now? HDIFAT? |
What is my favorite name for God? HDIFAT? |
When do I duck the responsibility for making decisions? HDIFAT? |
What little thing reminds me of you? HDIFAT? |
Why did I commit to you in the first place? HDIFAT? |
What is my listening pattern when we talk about disciplining our children? HDIFAT? |
Very few burdens are heavy when everyone lifts. HDIFAT? |
HDIF after we have had a long laugh together? Does laughter help heal? |
What is the atmosphere at our dinner table? HDIFAT? |
When did we last experience healing in our marriage? What made it possible? HDIFAT? |
Do I take the time to take care of my health? HDIFAT? |
HDIF sharing a dialogue letter with other dialoguing couples? |
HDIF when I listen patiently to your heartaches? |
Describe a time when I felt hurt. HDIFAT? |
How can we improve our sexual communication as a couple? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I think of all those who helped us get our marriage back on track? |
If I had the power, how would I redesign our relationship? HDIFAT? |
Do I laugh enough with you? HDIFAT? |
When some issue comes between me and other people, I feel _____ and I tend to _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I remember you in my prayers? |
HDIF about having God in our relationship? |
Do we sacrifice enough? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when one of my people shares details of their intimate family life with me? |
Do I pride myself in hardly ever fighting with you? HDIFAT? |
Do I believe we have a stake in other people's marriages, and they in ours? HDIFAT? |
How can I bring the joys of Christmas to other people? HDIFAT? |
Do I ever hurt others because I talk without thinking? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our going out together alone more often? |
What sacrifices do I have to make to have you number one? HDIFAT? |
How do you handle conflict? HDIFAT? |
What couple, that we know, do I see as important to us and how have they affected our life? HDIFAT? |
What mask (personality style) am I wearing when I am avoiding you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF beginning my dialogue letter by mentioning a good quality I see in you? |
HDIF about where I am this year compared to last year at this time? |
Do our children enjoy our attention to each other? HDIFAT? |
Our dialogue can be a prayer to our Father. HDIFAT? |
What areas of a priest's / pastor's life am I least open to listening about? HDIFAT? |
Do I deliberate a long time before making important decisions? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about supporting the Encounter / Retrouvaille program? |
What makes it difficult for me to write my dialog letter? HDIFAT? |
If I could take you any place, where would I take you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about celebrating my birthday without a birthday cake? |
HDIF about our children's religious education? |
HDIF about watching TV in our bedroom? |
HDIF when I am avoiding sharing something with you? |
Do I encourage or discourage myself from expressing my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you call me by my pet name? |
HDIF about our involvement with work? |
HDIF about crying? About other people when they cry? |
Do I emphasize facts or values in my life? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am the center of attention? |
We hear and see values we do not agree with. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I do something good for someone else? |
How do I like to have fun? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we use incense at Mass? |
With what aspect of our relationship am I most comfortable? HDIFAT? |
What can I do tomorrow to generate a little more love in the world? HDIFAT? |
Describe a time when I felt lonely. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when rumors hurt my reputation? |
HDIF about praying while I am driving or waiting in line? |
Is privacy an issue in our marriage? HDIFAT? |
What do I do when I hear people gossiping? HDIFAT? |
If I did not need money, what would I be doing today? HDIFAT? |
How do we maintain passion and love in our marriage? HDIFAT? |
Where do I feel the need to be reconciled with myself? HDIFAT? |
Do I encourage others to see the beauty of God's creation? HDIFAT? |
How can I help you express your emotions / feelings? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I try to whistle? |
Describe a stage in my life when I was not happy. HDIFAT? |
I feel most comfortable with you when _____. HDIFAT? |
How would I feel if one of our children would want to enter the ministry? HDIFAT? |
How do I behave in a group when they start talking about religion? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we disagree? |
What do I like best and least about us as a couple? HDIFAT? |
What is my most cherished or prized possession? HDIFAT? |
What is the role I see myself and you living out in our sexual experience? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about going on a weekly date? |
What one thing did we do this week to foster passion in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
If I become more committed to you, I might have to give up _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF knowing that we will always have to work for real closeness in our relationship? |