500 Random Dialogue Questions

Randomly generated question list. Refresh the page for different questions.

Question List
Do I keep score? (When you be nice to me, I will be nice to you.) HDIFAT?
HDIF about the time we spend together and the quality of that time?
HDIF about your promotion potential?
What can I do to improve my dialog? HDIFAT?
HDIF about our recent vacation?
When was the last time I really made you laugh? HDIFAT?
Are our children really God's gift to us? HDIFAT?
Do I look for and accept the Lord's will for my life?
HDIF when I am confronted with, or think of, that which I fear most?
How well do we communicate with God? HDIFAT?
HDIF reading your favorite book?
Can you count on me in a time of need? HDIFAT?
Do I tend to do things in the accepted way or am I more creative? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the way you affirmed your love for me today?
How do other people experience our sexual desire for each other? HDIFAT?
What listening skills could improve our communication? HDIFAT?
What one thing do you do that helps bring me closest to you? HDIFAT?
Do I say what others wish they had the nerve to say? HDIFAT?
How many hours of TV do I watch a day? HDIFAT?
What was the most difficult thing I had to overcome to become a priest or minister? HDIFAT?
HDIF when someone does a better job at work than I do?
A meal I long for is _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you kiss me unexpectedly?
HDIF when I am being impolite or rude to other people?
Do I have a bad habit that irritates you? HDIFAT?
HDIF about going somewhere for the day without planning what to do there?
HDIF about being seen as unsympathetic?
Am I doing better accepting you as you are? HDIFAT?
HDIF when our family goes to mass or church together?
Are my priorities so materialistic that they interfere with us? HDIFAT?
HDIF when an old friend of yours wants to spend time with you?
HDIF when I am brooding over my mistakes?
What environment is best for listening? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I go to bed knowing you will be home late?
HDIF about making each day Valentine's Day, at least for a while?
Do I feel comfortable hugging you and the children? HDIFAT?
Are we good stewards of all that God gives us? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see children praying?
HDIF when I picture us walking barefoot together on the beach?
My life is a prayer. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I reveal my innermost emotions / feelings to you?
What activity helps me grow most as a Christian? HDIFAT?
How do I want to spend our golden years? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I discover the assumptions I made about you are not true?
Do I have enough time to accomplish my goals? HDIFAT?
What methods do I find most difficult to use in describing my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT?
Do I give credit where credit is due? HDIFAT?
Do I make assumptions about you? HDIFAT?
How do I fare when I try to put myself in someone else's shoes? HDIFAT?
HDIF about growing old together?
HDIF hearing you say you love me?
What expectations do I have of your job? Are they being met? HDIFAT?
Do I rely on God every day? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I take a photograph of you?
HDIF when other people say they do not dialogue?
HDIF about heights?
HDIF when we are asked to do something, and I say yes when you would rather say no?
HDIF when someone puts me down in front of others?
Did we keep the true spirit of Christmas? HDIFAT?
HDIF seeing animals in the zoo?
HDIF about spending meaningful time with our children?
What expectations do I have of our children? HDIFAT?
What regrets do I have that detract from my experience of today? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I share an uncomfortable emotion / feeling with you?
Beside yours, what friendship has meant the most to me this week? HDIFAT?
The two of us are a little church. HDIFAT?
How does my self-esteem, or lack of it, affect our relationship? HDIFAT?
Am I more likely to us constructive or destructive criticism? HDIFAT?
HDIF on those occasions when I think you deserve private time?
As a couple, we are the lifeblood of the church. HDIFAT?
How can I tell when you are happy? HDIFAT?
Jesus will never give us a task that is too big to handle. HDIFAT?
HDIF asking for romance?
What expectations do I have of you? HDIFAT?
A good friend just got divorced. HDIFAT?
This week, what have I avoided talking to you about? HDIFAT?
Describe a time when I felt paranoid. HDIFAT?
HDIF using the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
If I had only two days to live, how would I spend them? HDIFAT?
What is my least favorite household chore? HDIFAT?
Do I consider myself bigoted in any way? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we first met?
When was the last time we did something fun and foolish as a couple? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the time we have spent together this week?
HDIF when I think we are not as romantic as other people?
HDIF when you are digging up the past?
What was the last romantic thing I did for you? HDIFAT?
I need to know the answers to the following questions: _____. HDIFAT?
What do I like best and least about our family? HDIFAT?
Am I afraid of making mistakes? HDIFAT?
HDIF about your relationship with our children?
HDIF about the peer pressures our children are under?
HDIF about trying to write a little poem for you?
HDIF about God's plan for our friendships?
What is the best way you support me in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about birth control?
After a fight: Do we always fight about the same things? HDIFAT?
HDIF knowing there is life after death?
Describe a time when I felt betrayed.
What gifts has God given to me and how have I used them? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I realize God has spoken to me through you?
In what specific ways am I hopeful for the Church? HDIFAT?
After a fight: What are the bad things about our fights? HDIFAT?
What is my greatest hurt in our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
Lately I have felt closest to you when _____. HDIFAT?
What aspect of my life brings me the most peace? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the way we balance the checkbook?
When you feel threatened, I feel _____.
HDIF when I am unkind to you?
How have I caused you to suffer? HDIFAT?
Where do I look most for approval, inside or outside? HDIFAT?
Have we inherited any family traditions from our grandparents? HDIFAT?
HDIF about learning to play a musical instrument?
How do I need to change my life? HDIFAT?
How was Lent special for us this year? HDIFAT?
HDIF about our family traditions or the lack of them?
Do I learn for the sake of learning, or do I learn for the sake of making changes in my life? HDIFAT?
What aspect of myself do I still try to hide from others? HDIFAT?
What give me the most sexual fulfillment? HDIFAT?
How can we inspire other people to dialogue? HDIFAT?
HDIF when it has been a long time since we dialogued?
What struggle did I face that helped prepare me for this day? HDIFAT?
How do I approach each new day with you and with God? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I lose control over a situation?
What is the most difficult part of our dialogue? HDIFAT?
Do I apply Gospel values to my job or career? HDIFAT?
HDIF about gathering other people to pray?
What does being an open and honest couple mean to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF when stock market trends reduce the value of our investments?
Do I tend to take on confrontations or avoid them? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the poverty and simplicity of Jesus' birth?
How have we benefited by choosing to dialogue at home? HDIFAT?
How am I like my father? HDIFAT?
HDIF about hiring help with childcare?
HDIF about the time I spend with your family?
One of the happiest days of my life
Which of your qualities do I take for granted? HDIFAT?
What conditions do I put on my love of God? HDIFAT?
How has our dialogue made you more important in my life? HDIFAT?
How do I respond to working under pressure? HDIFAT?
Do I have enough close friends? HDIFAT?
Describe a time when I felt confident. HDIFAT?
In what ways has God worked in my life today? HDIFAT?
How can assumptions hurt our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about keeping weekends relatively unplanned?
How can I improve our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
Am I more concerned with my outer or inner appearance? HDIFAT?
What do I value most in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when someone gives me a firm handshake?
HDIF when we do crazy things together?
Is one of us overly dependent on the other? HDIFAT?
How would I feel if I could go horseback riding? HDIFAT?
Do I want a deeper relationship with God, or do I think it is deep enough? HDIFAT?
Is my life organized, under-organized, or over-organized? HDIFAT?
Is our involvement with Encounter / Retrouvaille done as a couple? HDIFAT?
HDIF about LK 16:9?
HDIF about the way our children respond to you?
HDIF about the little things in our marriage relationship?
HDIF when I witness a marriage?
Whom do I look up to as a priest or minister? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I consider that I am responsible for my attitude, good or bad?
Do I do all that I can in time that I have? HDIFAT?
Do I say, I am sorry very often? HDIFAT?
After a fight: What specifically triggered my reaction? HDIFAT?
Do I appreciate you enough? HDIFAT?
HDIF about telling jokes?
In what ways do I punish myself because of past mistakes? HDIFAT?
Am I a trusting person? Would I like to be more trusting? HDIFAT?
What are my attitudes about our sexual relationship? HDIFAT?
Are we never going to agree about some issues? HDIFAT?
Why have we kept dialoguing? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am late for an appointment and not near a phone?
What keeps me from doing something about things that hurt me? HDIFAT?
It was not raining when Noah built the ark. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I accomplish something I am proud of?
Is Advent preparation for Christ's birthday or Santa Claus? HDIFAT?
How can I stop holding onto my fears? HDIFAT?
Is my body mine or yours? HDIFAT?
When things piled up on me the worst, I felt _____. HDIFAT?
Knowing the choice is ours to continue what the weekend started, HDIF?
How does our closeness reflect God's love? HDIFAT?
HDIF when other people notice our closeness?
How well do I listen to my people when they talk about family? HDIFAT?
Where do I like to make love? HDIFAT?
Do I worry about hair loss? HDIFAT?
In what ways can I deepen our spirituality? HDIFAT?
Do I give you more criticism or more praise or little of either? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I do not like the dialogue question we are using?
All we have is from God. How would I feel if I had to give it back?
HDIF about retirement?
Do I hold grudges? HDIFAT?
How is our sex life? HDIFAT?
The greatest gift a mother can give to her children is _____. HDIFAT?
Am I content in my circumstances? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we argue about who is to be blamed?
How do I behave when I do not know what to do? HDIFAT?
If I believe we are not heading in the right direction, what can I do to change it? HDIFAT?
How does my mask (personality style) limit me? HDIFAT?
Do I donate blood on a regular basis? HDIFAT?
Do I reflect more on present blessings or on my past misfortunes? HDIFAT?
What comments about myself am I most likely to take personally? HDIFAT?
What is it like being married to me today? HDIFAT?
How well have I used the ingredients that God gave me today? HDIFAT?
Am I good at my job? HDIFAT?
After a fight: Would it have helped to take a time-out? HDIFAT?
What is my best quality? HDIFAT?
HDIF about going with you to a horror movie?
HDIF when I want to share something with you but do not?
What probably not tonight signals do I use to say no to sex? HDIFAT?
Is it hard to find things to do that we both enjoy? HDIFAT?
After a fight: How can I change to make confrontation more positive for us? HDIFAT?
What do I put before God in my life? HDIFAT?
Do I enjoy being pampered? HDIFAT?
Am I being sexually responsive to you? HDIFAT?
What areas of our relationship do I most often control? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I talk to someone who knows more about the topic than I do?
Do I have the vision to see God's presence, plan, and power despite the obstacles that confront us? HDIFAT?
HDIF in my bathing suit?
After a fight: What do I admire about your fighting spirit? HDIFAT?
Do I like to sing Christmas carols? HDIFAT?
Am I willing to present my / our needs to God through prayer? HDIFAT?
Am I content just to wait when I have done all I can? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I receive a dialogue letter from you?
Which of my physical features do I like best and least? HDIFAT?
When I want some time for myself, I feel _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF about my ability to speak to you freely about our sexual relationship?
HDIF when we want to make love and cannot?
I most frequently criticize you concerning _____. HDIFAT?
How does my relationship with my people compare to my relationship with God? HDIFAT?
Can I see Christ in all people? HDIFAT?
Have I acquired any new qualities this lately? HDIFAT?
What do I need to work on, in order to get better at it? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you decide to do things my way?
What are my concerns about the future? HDIFAT?
Are we giving back to God a portion of our first fruits? HDIFAT?
What do I resolve to do this year? HDIFAT?
We are blessed by the love of our families. HDIFAT?
How do I see you to be superior to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF about trading baby-sitting with friends so we can have some nights at home alone?
Am I a quick learner or do you have to study something a lot to understand it? HDIFAT?
HDIF being around opinionated people?
HDIF when I watch the sunset with you?
HDIF when you try to influence my decisions?
Do we keep a scrapbook of our marital memories? Why or why not? HDIFAT?
HDIF about giving presents to those I love?
How am I a life-giving parent or grandparent? HDIFAT?
What nervous habits do I have? HDIFAT?
Do I allow Jesus to be Lord of my life? HDIFAT?
How does our stuff compare to our neighbor's stuff? HDIFAT?
Where am I most selfish? HDIFAT?
HDIF when our family is alone together for a meal?
HDIF about paying the bills?
When I fight, am I more likely to get defensive, attack the other person, or withdraw? HDIFAT?
If I could receive a sixth sense, what would it be? HDIFAT?
After a fight: Did one of us bully the other? HDIFAT?
Do we make enough time for the two of us? HDIFAT?
What does it mean to forgive other people? HDIFAT?
Are wants bad or unimportant compared to needs? HDIFAT?
When our dialogue is stale and flat, are we living the World's Plan? HDIFAT?
Are our children learning to manage money? HDIFAT?
What can I do for my people that I have avoided doing? HDIFAT?
What brings us closest? HDIFAT?
How do my childhood dreams of growing up compare to what I am now? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we pray together as a family?
HDIF thinking about kissing you at midnight New Year's Eve?
Looking back on this month, has it been a good month or a bad month? Why? HDIFAT?
How well do I think I listen to God? HDIFAT?
What do I do to get relief from emotional pain when I am tired, lonely, angry or hurting? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have been fulfilled (sexually) by you?
HDIF when someone compliments one of our children?
HDIF when activities take the place of our lovemaking?
Does a hobby keep us separated much of the time? HDIFAT?
Am I willing to reach out to others when things get to be too much for both of us to handle? HDIFAT?
What is my favorite room of the house and why? HDIFAT?
HDIF about us moving?
What material things do I worry about most? HDIFAT?
HDIF about our preparations as Christmas approaches?
HDIF when we try something different in our lovemaking?
I feel trapped because _____. HDIFAT?
What does decision mean to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF looking forward to our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary?
HDIF when I get too many irons in the fire? HDIFAT?
What hinders me from talking about money with you? HDIFAT?
Who in my life do I have the most influence on? HDIFAT?
Have I ever felt the power of the Holy Spirit? HDIFAT?
How do I see our finances affecting our relationship? HDIFAT?
What are the things that bring me closer to God? HDIFAT?
HDIF about changing my mind?
If I were to give another couple a tip on marriage, what would it be? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I try to whistle?
I usually settle arguments by _____. HDIFAT?
What topic would I most like to see discussed in our community of couples? HDIFAT?
HDIF saying yes to lovemaking but only for the good of our relationship?
The time I feel most alive is _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF about receiving massages?
Do I need to be more assertive? HDIFAT?
I would like to go back to _____ one more time, with you. HDIFAT?
After a fight: Is fighting a constructive means of communication between us? HDIFAT?
HDIF when a teacher does not like my child?
Do I come as close as possible to loving everyone? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I watch scary movies?
What divides us and causes us to become married singles? HDIFAT?
Our Sacrament calls us to a good marriage, not just an average one. HDIFAT?
HDIF about our children's grades?
HDIF when I must explain my actions?
Do I see both my imperfections and my talents as gifts from God? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we negotiate a compromise between us on a hot issue?
HDIF about other couples supporting us?
HDIF being with people who keep their enthusiasm under control?
How well do I think you listen to me? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I lose my keys?
On a scale of 1-10, how would I rate myself at forgiving my people? HDIFAT?
What mask (personality style) do I find most difficult to remove in our relationship? HDIFAT?
What am I most disillusioned with in my life? HDIFAT?
HDIF walking hand in hand with you in the new-fallen snow?
What is the greatest healing device I can offer you? HDIFAT?
Do I think before I speak, or am I more likely to speak whatever is on my heart? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I let other people talk me out of pursuing a great idea?
Have I ever been in a car wreck? HDIFAT?
What do I find most interesting about you? HDIFAT?
Do I have a willing heart? HDIFAT?
Do I usually initiate our lovemaking, or do I wait for you? HDIFAT?
I looked forward to celebrating this day with you because _____. HDIFAT?
What was our closest moment as a family this month? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am poking fun at other people?
I am one of God's gifts to you. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you are receptive to suggestions I offer?
Am I open in our non-verbal communication? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I forgive an enemy?
Who are my children? HDIFAT?
HDIF about growing old with you?
What struggle did we face that helped prepare us for this day? HDIFAT?
What strengths do we bring to the Lord? HDIFAT?
I still have these doubts about us: _____. HDIFAT?
What is my listening pattern when we talk about disciplining our children? HDIFAT?
HDIF about reminding a friend to return something borrowed long ago?
How do I like to celebrate New Years' Eve? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you do not say anything about something I have done?
HDIF when I notice our children taking on some of my characteristics?
What was the greatest change from our wedding day? HDIFAT?
HDIF when we get a call that our child is sick?
After a fight: Is there any pattern to our arguing? HDIFAT?
Do I consider myself successful? HDIFAT?
Do I think a household budget would improve our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about burdening a friend with a secret that will be difficult to keep?
HDIF when the alarm goes off in the morning?
HDIF about being with someone who is dying?
Do I judge other people by higher or lower standards than I use on myself? HDIFAT?
Are we, as a couple, being a sign of God's love to the world? HDIFAT?
The Bible is full of God's dialogue letters to us. HDIFAT?
After a fight: Am I still surprised by the way I reacted? HDIFAT?
Will I choose burial or cremation at death? HDIFAT?
Do I talk openly with my people, or do I hold things back? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you come up behind and hug me?
What do I learn from adverse situations? HDIFAT?
HDIF about your relationship with my family?
HDIF about spending time alone, by myself?
HDIF when our children compete against each other?
Have I ever run out of gas? HDIFAT?
How well do I do trusting God to answer my needs? HDIFAT?
Jesus is alive. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you criticize me?
What is most appealing to me about being married? HDIFAT?
Why have we not kept dialoguing? HDIFAT?
What would be the worst thing that could happen to us? HDIFAT?
Where would I like to make love to you other than in bed? HDIFAT?
What hope do I have that helps bring me happiness? HDIFAT?
We should give God the same place in our hearts that He holds in the universe. HDIFAT?
HDIF knowing you love me?
What characteristic of yours do I find irritating? HDIFAT?
My whole life should be a prayer to God. How well do I live this? HDIFAT?
What values do I want us to give to our children? HDIFAT?
HDIF when our dialogue is interrupted?
What is the most important thing I will miss if you die? HDIFAT?
What can you do to help me be more honest about myself? HDIFAT?
Do I play the lottery on a regular basis? HDIFAT?
HDIF about arriving late for parties?
HDIF being with people who do not seem to have emotional ups and downs?
Do I ever let the day end without complimenting you on something? HDIFAT?
Does my job or career affect our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have judged others harshly?
Is it more important for me to be liked or to be right? HDIFAT?
Is the time we spend together quality time? HDIFAT?
Where would I most like to see growth in our relationship this year? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you help me laugh at myself? When I help you do the same?
Three people who admire me are _____. HDIFAT?
What are my dreams for us as a dialoguing couple? HDIFAT?
What keeps us from regular dialogue? HDIFAT?
When I know I am wanted, I feel _____.
HDIF about your travel schedule?
HDIF about returning phone calls?
In what area do we have hurt in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I see you down on yourself?
HDIF about discussing our sex life?
HDIF when we are close during and after our dialogue?
HDIF about the way we celebrate Easter?
HDIF when I have to do housework?
My idea of a romantic evening is _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF about using seat belts?
How do I behave when I am disillusioned with God? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you massage my head?
For the sake of our relationship, what do I most need to do this weekend? HDIFAT?
HDIF about the freedom or lack of freedom I have in our relationship?
Do I sit beside you when I have the chance? HDIFAT?
HDIF on those occasions when I think I deserve private time?
HDIF when we stick to our budget?
HDIF when our children praise me?
HDIF about being with your parents?
How does my / your traveling affects our relationship? HDIFAT?
When do I avoid you and why? HDIFAT?
How do I respond to what I consider to be God's failures? HDIFAT?
Do I have to fish for compliments? HDIFAT?
What is the most important topic for us to discuss today? HDIFAT?
HDIF about keeping the Dream alive?
HDIF about having a Halloween costume party?
Describe a time when I felt loaded. HDIFAT?
HDIF when you do not replace the toilet paper roll?
HDIF when I want sex and you do not?
HDIF when I react to you instead of responding to you?
Do I fight to win, to prove myself right, or to address what is dysfunctional in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you tell me, I need a hug?
HDIF when I pick up a gallon of milk for you?
HDIF when someone mentions my job title?
HDIF about being with family during the holidays?
HDIF making a surprise dessert for you?
HDIF knowing it is God's idea for us to be together?
What is the meaning of my birthday to me? HDIFAT?
How do we experience unity? HDIFAT?
Is there anything I need to share with my people but have not? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I am telling you about my successes?
When we make love, I feel _____.
HDIF about learning to use a pistol or rifle?
In what area of my life do I have the least peace? HDIFAT?
What values of mine differ from my people's? HDIFAT?
When I am among new people, I feel _____ and I tend to _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF about our contributions to our community?
Can I see God in other people? HDIFAT?
After a fight: What could I have done to reduce your suffering? HDIFAT?
HDIF plunging in to a job, discovering what is necessary as I go?
Was there a time, in the past week, when I felt joy in our relationship? HDIFAT?
HDIF about being affectionate in front of the kids?
HDIF when we put activities before our relationship?
Does our inability to have children make a difference in our lovemaking? HDIFAT?
How do I like to pray? HDIFAT?
You are worth more than you are paid. HDIFAT?
What things do I put first? HDIFAT?
Do I have trouble hiding my true emotions / feelings? HDIFAT?
HDIF about praying the scriptures with you?
Do I take time for recreation and play? HDIFAT?
What weaknesses do we bring to the Lord? HDIFAT?
How do I accept responsibilities? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you seem annoyed with me?
HDIF when you make a special effort to make me feel important?
HDIF when I am organized? When I am not organized?
HDIF having you to share special times with?
HDIF about getting in shape?
How would I feel if I had to lie to protect someone I love? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I think you are beating around the bush rather than giving me a straight answer?
HDIF about your emotions / feelings last night?
HDIF about dialoguing on health?
We are invited to a wedding of another faith expression. HDIFAT?
A quality I see in you but never tell you about is _____. HDIFAT?
What is the reason that I keep from forgiving myself? HDIFAT?
HDIF about our children?
HDIF right now?
How have we been judgmental of our people? HDIFAT?
HDIF about dialoguing regularly with you?
How can we do something as a family to help the poor? HDIFAT?
Does my laughter communicate any emotions / feelings? Describe them.
How important is our dialogue to me? HDIFAT?
What do I wish I had known five years ago about sex? HDIFAT?
Do I really believe we can change the lives of other people? HDIFAT?
Are our words to each other loving? HDIFAT?
The issues I cannot discuss with you are _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF being around people who are easily irritated?
Are our important papers in a safe place? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you call me just to say you love me?
HDIF about all the last-minute rushing around?
Does my touching you communicate caring and commitment? HDIFAT?
Am I choosing the direction of my life, or is my life directing me? HDIFAT?
HDIF about chauffeuring the children around?
Do I try to cram too much into one day? HDIFAT?
HDIF about reading the Bible together?
What has been the effect of my job or career on our relationship? HDIFAT?
Can I program a computer? HDIFAT?
Do I argue with my people to win, or to work out something in our relationship? HDIFAT?
Do I present myself as tougher than I really am? HDIFAT?
My most vivid good childhood memory is _____. HDIFAT?
HDIF when I realize you are not coping effectively with stress?
HDIF when I have to apologize even when I do not think I did anything wrong?
HDIF when I think of Our Father as always belonging to us?
Do I put more than the average amount of effort into our relationship? HDIFAT?
What is rubbing me the wrong way today? HDIFAT?
What are the values I want to live now? HDIFAT?
HDIF when you massage my feet?
HDIF when I am running late?
How do parish or church finances affect my relationship with my people? HDIFAT?
A plant arrived from the florist to thank us for a favor. HDIFAT?
Do I think we spend enough quality time together? HDIFAT?
HDIF when I have to work in a group?