Randomly generated question list. Refresh the page for different questions.
Question List |
HDIF when I buy you flowers? |
In what specific ways am I hopeful for the world? HDIFAT? |
What charism (strength) do I have from the Spirit that helps the world believe? HDIFAT? |
What do I like best about family vacations? |
Do I have a me-first attitude? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I say good things about you to other people? |
If our house were burning down, what possessions would I most hope were spared and why? HDIFAT? |
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person. HDIFAT? |
When we first met, what I liked most about you was _____. HDIFAT? |
Describe a time when I / we went the extra mile to help someone. HDIFAT? |
Do we let our light shine? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about praying aloud? |
HDIF when I consider that we are special to Our Father? |
Is our involvement with Encounter / Retrouvaille done as a couple? HDIFAT? |
What qualities do I admire most in others? HDIFAT? |
Which of life's pleasures do I enjoy the most? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about dialoguing regularly with you? |
HDIF when we cannot afford a night out together? |
HDIF at those times when I cannot get a rise out of you? |
HDIF putting up Christmas decorations? |
How well do I accept my own aging? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the phrase, Dialogue is my gift of myself to you? |
HDIF about trying new things? |
HDIF hearing you say you love me? |
Does my insistence that I am already open and honest hinder our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I do what I should do instead of what I want to do? |
HDIF about doing routine tasks? |
Do I talk in my sleep? HDIFAT? |
If I were a Christmas present, how would I be wrapped under the tree? HDIFAT? |
How does stress affect my self-image? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about trying different things to see what works best, as opposed to seeking advice? |
HDIF when I take a photograph of you? |
Have I made a decision to love this week, and HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you do something special for me? |
In any change, there is tension. HDIFAT? |
How many different jobs have I had in my life? HDIFAT? |
What would I like to do now, so I will not regret not doing it twenty years from now? HDIFAT? |
In what areas do I most need the Lord's help? HDIFAT? |
What is a good husband / good wife and do I measure up? HDIFAT? |
Do I consider myself attractive? HDIFAT? |
Do I still have the heart of a child? HDIFAT? |
What keeps me from showing you what you really mean to me? HDIFAT? |
Do I see love as being the motivating force in our lives? HDIFAT? |
Do I accept gifts well? HDIFAT? |
What quality do I most admire in your mother / father? HDIFAT? |
What does the Lord's Prayer mean to me? HDIFAT? |
Have we over extended ourselves as a couple? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about beginning a family? |
Do I prefer to talk to my friends superficially, or really get to know their heart? HDIFAT? |
Do I show our children how much I appreciate them? HDIFAT? |
When do I let my temper get in the way of making a good decision? HDIFAT? |
What do I do to gain acceptance and profit emotionally? HDIFAT? |
Do I hold a grudge against anyone? HDIFAT? |
Should we start planning for a vacation this year? HDIFAT? |
How well do I think I do at recognizing and trying to nourish my needs as opposed to my selfish wants? HDIFAT? |
Do I learn from the mistakes of others and listen to their advice? HDIFAT? |
How would I rate our communication skills? HDIFAT? |
Do I value sentiment more than logic or vice versa? HDIFAT? |
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we share deeply with those around us? |
HDIF about criticism and sarcasm? |
Do I see myself living the same as my parents, or differently? HDIFAT? |
My most vivid good childhood memory is _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF laughing with you? |
How do you respond to my failures? HDIFAT? |
What happens to me when we are not accepting of each other? HDIFAT? |
Have I ever called in sick to work just to get time off? HDIFAT? |
How do I handle my jealous emotions / feelings? How could I handle them more constructively? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our going out together alone more often? |
HDIF about our marriage being made in heaven? |
HDIF about holding hands in public? |
What changes in my relationship with my people have I taken for granted? HDIFAT? |
What was the worst day of my life? HDIFAT? |
Am I willing to open myself up other people besides you? HDIFAT? |
How has our failure to live God's plan for our marriage affected us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you call during the day just to say hello? |
HDIF about your relationship with your family? |
HDIF sharing the holidays with you? |
I feel most comfortable with you when _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am not listened to? |
If I could be anyone from history, who would I be _____? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I do something klutzy? |
What happens when I am still lonely or feel used after we make love? HDIFAT? |
You are my sweetheart because _____. HDIFAT? |
My greatest joy in our sexual relationship is _____. HDIFAT? |
How well do I communicate with God? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being praised or recognized in public? |
What do I do that annoys you? HDIFAT? |
God has faith in you. He proved it by giving you life. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about living today knowing we are not guaranteed tomorrow? |
I would feel better about us if we could make these additional changes: _____. HDIFAT? |
Am I excited about our future? HDIFAT? |
When you say no to me in sex, I feel _____. |
Do I put my independence above my trust in you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I consider spending Christmas without you? |
What miracle did I experience today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I find a love note in with my lunch? |
What one thing did we do this week to foster passion in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we are not getting along well and are with friends? |
How and why did you get back to dialogue? HDIFAT? |
What expectations do I have as we enter a new month? HDIFAT? |
What do I most need to change in my money habits? HDIFAT? |
What attitudes do I have that are a barrier to our sexual relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we hold hands in public? |
What part of the Passion is most significant to me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you say, That was stupid? |
In the area of money, what emotion / feeling do I find most difficult to share with you? HDIFAT? |
When over the last week did I not accept your emotions / feelings? HDIFAT? |
Is there any form of sex with you that I find repulsive? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about making you feel good about yourself? |
What strengths do we have to offer each other as a couple? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you sleep late? |
Do I believe it is important to take a yearly family vacation? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our bed? |
Do we ever withdraw from each other during an argument? HDIFAT? |
Does my desire for self-fulfillment hinder our relationship? HDIFAT? |
Why did I choose you to be my lifetime partner? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I think about Christ's coming at Christmas? |
When do I rely on emotions / feelings instead of on thinking? HDIFAT? |
How does my pride get in the way of my relationship with God? HDIFAT? |
What obstacles do I need to overcome in order to love my people better? HDIFAT? |
What do I admire most about my parents? HDIFAT? |
The driving force behind my life is _____. HDIFAT? |
Apart from God, we can do nothing. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about donating money to the poor? |
We stopped dialoguing altogether for a while. Why? HDIFAT? |
Do I limit my goals in order to avoid confronting my weaknesses? HDIFAT? |
Am I honest with myself in my commitment to regular dialogue? HDIFAT? |
What memory of our courting days is most alive today? HDIFAT? |
What couple, that we know, do I see as important to us and how have they affected our life? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am short-changed at the store? |
Describe a time when I felt hung-over. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about watching for shooting stars with you? |
Am I really number one with you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way we play together? |
What can I do to make you smile more? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I realize that I am not the person people think I am? |
What gifts or talents am I embarrassed to share? HDIFAT? |
What cartoon character am I most like today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about family secrets? |
HDIF when I tell you everything will be all right? |
What would I like to accomplish during this time of Lent? HDIFAT? |
If someone close to me were to die, what would I most need from you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF while we are separated by a business trip? |
HDIF when I see others suffering or struggling? |
HDIF when I remember you in my prayers? |
Am I growing or standing still right now? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about newborns in our family? |
HDIF about the taxes we pay? HDIFAT? |
I most need you to love me when _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way you behave around my friends? |
HDIF when I eat with someone who is on a diet? |
HDIF about taking on a ministry as a couple? |
In what way am I trying to love you the way God loves us? HDIFAT? |
Do I hide my pride or tenderness or fear of embarrassment? HDIFAT? |
What was the best day of my life? HDIFAT? |
What methods do I find easiest to use in describing my emotions / feelings? HDIFAT? |
What are the topics I avoid in dialogue? HDIFAT? |
Have I been life-giving to you today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you are hungry for sex? |
In what areas of our life together am I most dependent on you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you express need for leisure time? |
Whose good opinion is important to me? HDIFAT? |
My favorite way to have my people respond to me after church is _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you say, It is your fault? |
HDIF about your having to work overtime? |
How has our non-verbal communication helped our relationship? HDIFAT? |
As a child, what was I like? HDIF about the person I used to be? |
HDIF when we go several days without dialogue? |
HDIF about trying to maintain a cordial relationship with someone I dislike? |
Do I give each family member equal time, or do I favor one over another? HDIFAT? |
Are we talkers or non-talkers? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you spend money on me? |
How am I becoming a better person because of you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being waited on? |
Is my heart fully open to God? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way we show God's love to other people? |
HDIF when I accomplish something I am proud of? |
How does our family respond to illness? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I think you are looking forward to our dialogue? |
HDIF about my inhibitions about sex? |
What am I disillusioned about right now? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I consider that you can / cannot do CPR? |
Do we have any plans for having fun together this week? HDIFAT? |
I have discovered I am very dependent on you in these areas: _____. HDIFAT? |
What are the strongest emotions / feelings I had during our times of trouble? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I consider what I had to give up to be successful? |
What is my typical behavior when dealing with a hard time in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
How was your love life-giving to me today? HDIFAT? |
What is the most scared I have ever been? HDIFAT? |
Would I feel resentment if you died? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: When you bring third parties into a fight, HDIFAT? |
After a fight: Who got hurt? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about your promotion potential? |
Am I holding onto any resentment, bitterness or anger toward my child? HDIFAT? |
One of my big failures in life is _____. HDIFAT? |
Have I ever been totally lost? HDIFAT? |
Where would we be if we had never experienced the weekend? HDIFAT? |
What changes do I need to make in my behavior to grow closer to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I put activities before our relationship? |
HDIF when you spend money on new clothes? |
How do I behave when faced with change? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about attending costume parties? |
What did I first long for immediately after we experienced the weekend? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being seen as unsympathetic? |
Was I pushed to excel when I was young? HDIFAT? |
Where do I go to be lifted up as a priest or minister? |
HDIF when you say, That was really great? |
How did the absence of dialogue affect our communication and closeness? HDIFAT? |
How can I tell that God loves us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the last time we solved a problem together? |
HDIF when your parents drop by unexpectedly? |
HDIF being around people who are negative? |
Our dog's barking is going to disturb the neighbors. HDIFAT? |
What effect has dialogue made in our daily lives? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about my job or career? |
Do we take time to thank God for our blessings? HDIFAT? |
What did I do today to help someone in need? HDIFAT? |
Do we have time for things like lingering over a candlelight dinner at home? HDIFAT? |
What good quality do you see in me that I doubt the most? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about apologizing even when I am not convinced I am wrong? |
HDIF knowing that death is inevitable? |
HDIF about making each day Valentine's Day, at least for a while? |
A good friend just got divorced. HDIFAT? |
Describe a time when I felt out of control. |
HDIF about learning to use a pistol or rifle? |
Where would I like to go with you on vacation? HDIFAT? |
How do I behave when I win? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am asked to work overtime? |
What does maturity mean to me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the anniversary of Roe versus Wade? |
Am I content with what I am? HDIFAT? |
Obedience belongs to us - results belong to God. HDIFAT? |
What friend of yours would I rather not be around? Why? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I know that you are proud of me? |
HDIF recalling our honeymoon? |
HDIF when a new situation comes up that conflicts with my plans? |
When others misjudge me, I feel _____. |
Do I like gossip? Do I spread it? HDIFAT? |
Are we in unity in our faith? HDIFAT? |
Since dialogue, am I more comfortable talking about sex and death with other people? HDIFAT? |
Do I see you as romantic and imaginative, or as pragmatic and down to earth? HDIFAT? |
Can I read maps? HDIFAT? |
What do I expect from you? HDIFAT? |
How can I help you when you are under pressure? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when a couple enters Encounter / Retrouvaille because of our example? |
We are different in how we make decisions about money. HDIFAT? |
Do I do my best to give you more than you expect? HDIFAT? |
Today was like a game of _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I confront you with a conflict between us? |
When making an important decision, HDIF about trusting my emotions / feelings? |
What are my goals for _____? HDIFAT? |
As a child, who most affected my life? HDIFAT? |
Am I really accepting of you or do I feel the need to change you? HDIFAT? |
Is religion something we do or something we live? HDIFAT? |
How do we promote intimacy in our marriage? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I have wasted time? |
If I could change my career, what would I like to do? HDIFAT? |
If I were to list my strengths, what would stand out to me? HDIFAT? |
What do I want for myself this weekend? HDIFAT? |
What is one thing I would like to try differently when we have an issue to discuss? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you undress in front of me? |
HDIF when I ask your forgiveness? |
Who controls the bed in the house? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I ask you to forgive me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when someone thanks us? |
HDIF when we are near, but cannot be with each other for several hours? |
What foods do I like the best? HDIFAT? |
How does the way I see myself make it hard for me to reach out to you? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: What subjects cause us the most trouble? HDIFAT? |
Do I seek physical nakedness just for times when we make love? HDIFAT? |
What flower do you remind me of? HDIFAT? |
Our sexual relationship is a mirror of our total relationship. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about having regular medical and dental checkups? |
Am I willing to sacrifice a half hour of sleep so we can be together? HDIFAT? |
What is the touchiest area in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about forgiving myself? |
When our community reaches out to us, HDIF? |
What steps can we take to make our impossible dream a reality? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our time (or lack there of) for relaxation and entertainment? |
How does success affect my self-image? HDIFAT? |
How can we improve our spiritual life as a couple? HDIFAT? |
Do I complain about the problems in an otherwise good situation? HDIFAT? |
What adjustments did we have to make when we were first married? HDIFAT? |
Do I respect the differences of others for the strengths that they are? HDIFAT? |
How do I listen to you? What is my pattern? HDIFAT? |
When did I feel closest to you last weekend? HDIFAT? |
What gift have you given me in the past month that I have really appreciated? HDIFAT? |
Do I ever hesitate to apologize after I have offended you? HDIFAT? |
What do I like best about our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I see you across the room? |
How would your children describe me as a husband or wife? HDIFAT? |
I really enjoy hearing you talk about _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about trying to write a little poem for you? |
What happens when I let emotions / feelings take control over me? HDIFAT? |
What kindness do I still remember from someone who has passed away? HDIFAT? |
How do I see our dialogue has changed our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you show your love for me in front of other people? |
What did I not try because I was afraid of failing? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about going to mass or church as a family? |
HDIF about the little things in our marriage relationship? |
HDIF when you give me a compliment? |
Who am I a hero to? HDIFAT? |
What are my expectations of tomorrow? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am talking about my personal life? |
What beauty do I see in you? HDIFAT? |
How have I changed in ways that you are unaware of? HDIFAT? |
Do I really want to solve the conflicts between us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you kiss me? |
HDIF when I am used or manipulated? |
When recently has my mask (personality style) interfered in our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about working many hours in a room with no windows? |
HDIF when you say, Pray for me? |
How much privacy do I need in general? In our relationship? HDIFAT? |
What is the thing I find most difficult to forgive in myself? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you surprise me by fixing one of my favorite meals? |
HDIF just before mass or church? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being called to be a visible sign of the church? |
Do we share our spirituality with others? HDIFAT? |
Do I need to learn how to manage money better? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you want to leave an event and I am not ready to go? |
Do I over schedule my time? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our lovemaking? |
What has been the effect of my job or career on our relationship? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about being separated from you through death? |
Jesus asks, How are you living your life for me? |
The thing I most fear is _____. HDIFAT? |
Do I look for and accept the Lord's will for my life? |
Does TV have a negative or positive effect on my life? HDIFAT? |
With our children, am I more likely to be strict or permissive? HDIFAT? |
How does the busy-ness of our lives affect our sexual relationship? HDIFAT? |
What am I most likely to do when I waste time? HDIFAT? |
Why do I keep information from you? What am I afraid of? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we sing the Gloria? |
Do I tend to show affection to others, or do I keep my distance? HDIFAT? |
Our missionary role is always to invite other people on our journey. HDIFAT? |
When I am being open to you, I am also being open to God. HDIFAT? |
Where was I born? HDIFAT? |
HDIF asking you to make love? |
When and where do I distort things by denial, excuses or pretending? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about your fringe benefits? |
For what in my life do I feel most grateful? HDIFAT? |
We are blessed by the love of our families. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our upcoming vacation? |
What do I see as your best quality? HDIFAT? |
HDIF after we make love? HDIFAT? |
When I think about living without you, HDIF? |
Am I willing to work hard to make my relationship with my people a success? HDIFAT? |
What would our children say about our marriage? HDIFAT? |
While they were at home, did our children buffer our relationship? HDIFAT? |
How well do I really listen to you? HDIFAT? |
How has never having children affected my life? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when our family trust level has been broken? |
HDIF when you are not leveling with me? |
When I close myself to you, I close a channel of God's grace. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about participating in league activities (softball, bowling) with you? |
HDIF about God having a stake in our marriage? |
If I had this day to do over, what would I change? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about praying before dialogue? |
HDIF when I touch you? |
When some issue comes between me and other people, I feel _____ and I tend to _____. HDIFAT? |
What goals would I like to see us achieve in the next few months? HDIFAT? |
What is my favorite thing to do that does not cost money? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about fall weather? |
In what way have you brightened my day today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our children's grades? |
HDIF about fact that other people are reaching out to us? |
What expectations do I have for involvement in Encounter / Retrouvaille? Are they being met? HDIFAT? |
Do I think we have enough money? HDIFAT? |
We have no telephone. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about Right to Life issues? |
HDIF about our grandparents' involvement with our children? |
Jesus is risen! HDIFAT? |
HDIF when our other activities become more important than the two of us? |
HDIF when you compliment me, but the compliment is not sincere? |
HDIF when we are too tired to be lovers? |
HDIF about World Marriage Day? |
HDIF about my prayer life? |
Do I avoid telling you the truth to avoid offending you? HDIFAT? |
How do I behave when I am disillusioned with us? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you respond to my requests on your own time? |
HDIF about _____, my favorite cousin? |
HDIF when I know our lovemaking is about to begin? |
HDIF when I see an overflowing church on Easter Sunday? |
HDIF about your boss? |
Am I a passionate person or not? HDIFAT? |
I believe one of my people is being selfish when _____. HDIFAT? |
What are my thoughts when I think of you dying? HDIFAT? |
When do I avoid you and why? HDIFAT? |
Company stops in when we are about to leave home. HDIFAT? |
Is thoughtfulness an important aspect of our relationship? HDIFAT? |
Would the world be a different place if I were not here? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I see you cry? |
Do we work well together? HDIFAT? |
Do I prefer showers or baths? HDIFAT? |
How can we put more fireworks into our marriage? HDIFAT? |
Have I ever experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit? HDIFAT? |
What is my mask (personality style) when we have an argument? HDIFAT? |
What attitude of mine helps me act in a loving way? HDIFAT? |
In what important areas do I find it most difficult to listen to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about arriving late for parties? |
Do I have a hard time making decisions? HDIFAT? |
Describe a time when I felt embarrassed. HDIFAT? |
What was the most meaningful experience that I had today? HDIFAT? |
How are we sexually attentive and responsive to each other? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am spending time alone? |
How did it happen that we first met? HDIFAT? |
When have I felt alone this fall? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I am placed in charge of a group? |
HDIF about our lifetime goals? |
What gift of myself have I given to you today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I notice our children taking on some of your characteristics? |
What quality do I look for in others that helps me believe I can trust them? HDIFAT? |
What makes it hardest for you to live with me? HDIFAT? |
What is my listening pattern when we talk about handling money? HDIFAT? |
A sacramental couple is a symbol of Jesus' love for His church. HDIFAT? |
HDIF after I go to confession? |
Do I have Easter in my heart? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about how well I show my love for you? |
Dialogue can be a daily date. HDIFAT? |
Am I a full-time listener or only a part-time listener? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the phrase, Each day is an opportunity for a fresh start? |
How do I see God reflected through priest or minister? HDIFAT? |
How can I reveal my emotions / feelings to you outside dialogue? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when summer is approaching? |
HDIF when I have let you down? |
How do I gauge the blessings God has granted to us? HDIFAT? |
Can the new people I meet tell what interests me right away? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I see you working too many hours? |
HDIF when I am not able to handle the pressures in my life? |
HDIF about making love in the evening? |
How does my mask (personality style) prevent me from always being intimate with you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about admitting I am lost? |
What is the wildest thing I have ever done? HDIFAT? |
What is the silliest thing I have ever done in public? HDIFAT? |
Do I need to become more hard-nosed and skeptical, or more soft-hearted and sentimental? HDIFAT? |
Which of us comes to decisions more quickly? HDIFAT? |
What kind of death frightens me the most? HDIFAT? |
What changes should I make to keep from being disillusioned with my people? HDIFAT? |
Do I give my best to you or to others? HDIFAT? |
HDIF knowing that you love me for a lifetime? |
How are we working for the coming of His kingdom? HDIFAT? |
What do I most need to do this weekend for the sake of our relationship? HDIFAT? |
What are your best qualities as a parent and HDIFAT? |
HDIF when we laugh together? |
HDIF about giving our time to helping others? |
Are there famous people in your genealogy? HDIFAT? |
Am I more of a giver or a receiver? HDIFAT? |
How do I react to compliments? HDIF? |
What are my views about mid-life marriage? HDIFAT? |
Do I use alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine? HDIFAT? |
The way to salvation is through Jesus. HDIFAT? |
After experiencing the weekend, have I changed more or have you? HDIFAT? |
After a fight: What do I think was your main point? HDIFAT? |
How do parish or church finances affect my relationship with my people? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the way our yard looks? |
HDIF about our child leaving the nest? |
When things piled up on me the worst, I felt _____. HDIFAT? |
After a fight: When did I feel most trapped? What was that emotion / feeling like? |
What quality, ability or gift of yours am I most proud to share with others? HDIFAT? |
Do I depend on the TV for entertainment? HDIFAT? |
HDIF realizing that my ministry is a gift from God? |
HDIF when someone takes up too much of my time? |
Do I allow my sexual values to interfere with my response to you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about the first day we met? |
Are compliments part of our relationship? HDIFAT? |
What unmet need did I experience today? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about dialoguing on death? |
Who among my friends will walk with me in both good times and hard times? HDIFAT? |
Sometimes failure makes me want to give up. HDIFAT? |
Which three qualities do I require in a friend? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when you stand by me, even when I am wrong? |
After a fight: What was I feeling when I was silent? |
Whom do I share my joys with? HDIFAT? |
One of the things I would miss most about you, if you were dead, is _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF when someone points out my failure or weakness in front of others? |
HDIF when I go and help a friend of yours? |
If we had to relocate, how would I feel? |
What is my favorite gift from you? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about my spirituality? |
When have I thought we were truly one? HDIFAT? |
What have I learned about myself through the challenges I have faced? HDIFAT? |
Do I believe life owes me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF in my role as a mother? |
In groups, I feel _____ and I tend to _____. HDIFAT? |
HDIF about chauffeuring the children around? |
Do I say what others wish they had the nerve to say? HDIFAT? |
What are my thoughts when we should ask for help with our dialogue? HDIFAT? |
How does my mask (personality style) limit me? HDIFAT? |
HDIF about our eye contact with each other when we are talking? |
My strongest emotion / feeling about you today was _____. |
What is my most pleasant memory from our dating days? HDIFAT? |
How often to we socialize with other couples? HDIFAT? |
How have we benefited by choosing to dialogue at home? HDIFAT? |
When I am sad, what is the best thing someone can do for me? HDIFAT? |
What kinds of compliments have I received most often as an adult? HDIFAT? |
How could our dialogue be better? HDIFAT? |
What realistic thing can I do this week to make it better than last week? HDIFAT? |
What do I want our children to be as an adult? HDIFAT? |
HDIF when I take you for granted? |